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更新时间 :2015-01-14  浏览次数:3885 次 【    】 打印关闭窗口
  1. Rongyan Wang, Bo Gao, Xiuhua Li, Juan Ma, Shulong Chen. First Report of Fusarium solani Causing Fusarium Root Rot and Stem Canker on Storage Roots of Sweet Potato in China. Plant Disease. 2014.98(1): 160-161. (SCI)
  2. Bo Gao, Rongyan Wang, Shulong Chen, Xiuhua Li, Juan Ma. First Report of Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii on Sweet Potato in China. Plant Disease. 2014.98(5): 702-702. (SCI)
  3. Dianping Di, Aihong Zhang, Yingui Lu, Hongqin Miao. First Report of Barley Yellow Striate Mosaic Virus on Wheat in China. Plant Disease. 2014.98(10): 446-446. (SCI)
  4. Qinggang Guo, Weixin Dong, Shezeng Li, Xiuyun Lu, Peipei Wang, Xiaoyun Zhang, Ping Ma. Fengycin produced by Bacillus subtilis NCD-2 plays a major role in biocontrol of cotton seedling damping-off disease. 2014(169): 533-540. (SCI)
  5. Yaofa Li, Suting Zhong, Yuchuan Qin , Shangqing Zhang, Zhanlin Gao, Zhihong Dang, Wenliang Pan. Identification of plant chemicals attracting and repelling whiteflies. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 2014(8): 183-190. (SCI)
  6. Wenqiao Wang, Lei Yan, Runjie Meng, Jianjiang Zhao, Xiaofeng Zhang, Xiuying Han, Zhiqiang Ma. Sensitivity to fluopicolide of wild type isolates and biological characteristics of fluopicolide-resistant mutants in Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Crop Protection. 2014.55: 119-126. (SCI)
  7. Wenqiao Wang, Peng Zhang, Runjie Meng, Jianjiang Zhao, Qiliang Huang, Xiuying Han, Zhiqiang Ma, Xiaofeng Zhang. Fungitoxicity and synergism of mixtures of fluopicolide and pyraclostrobin against Phytophthora infestans. Crop Protection. 2014.57: 48-56. (SCI)
  8. Guoxia Liu, Ning Xuan, Dong Chu, Hongyan Xie, Zhongxue Fan, Yuping Bi, Jean-François Picimbon1, Yuchuan Qin, Suting Zhong, Yaofa Li, Zhanlin Gao, Wenliang Pan, Guoying Wang, Balaji Rajashekar. Biotype expression and insecticide response of Bemisia tabaci chemosensory protein-1. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 2014.85(3): 137-151. (SCI)
  9. Wenkun Huang, Jianhua Sun, Jiangkuan Cui, Gangfeng Wang, Lingan Kong, Huanpeng, Shulong Chen, Deliang Peng. Efficacy Evaluation of Fungus Syncephalastrum racemosum and Nematicide Avermectin against the Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita on Cucumber. PLOS ONE. 2014.9(2): e89717. (SCI)
  10. Shouqin Gu, Po Li, Min Wu, Zhimin Hao, Xiaodong Gong, Xiaoyu Zhang, Lan Tian, Pan Zhang, Yue Wang, Zhiyan Cao, Yongshan Fan, Jianmin Han. StSTE12 is required for the pathogenicity of Setosphaeria turcica by regulating appressorium development and penetration. Microbiological research. 2014.169(11): 817-823. (SCI)
  11. Daibin Yang, Na Wang, Xiaojing Yan, Jie Shi, Min Zhang, Zhenying Wang. Microencapsulation of seed-coating tebuconazole and its effects on physiology and biochemistry of maize seedlings. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 114(2014): 241-246. (SCI)
  12. Yanna Chu, J.P. Michaud, Jing Zhang, Zhen Li, Yizhuo Wang, Han Chen, Jiancheng Li, Ziyun Lu, Qingwen Zhang, Xiaoxia Liu. Performance of Microplitis tuberculifer(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitizing Mythimna separata(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in different larval instars. Biological Control. 2014(69): 18-23. (SCI)
  13. Yu Cui, Aihong Zhang, Aijun Ren, Hongqin Miao. Types of Maize Virus Diseases and Progress in Virus Identification Techniques in China. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University. 2014.21(1): 75-83.
  14. 高慧,王晓光,郭庆港,李社增,鹿秀云,马平. 河北省棉花枯萎菌遗传多样性及致病力分化. 植物保护学报. 2014.41(3): 311-319.
  15. 路子云,冉红凡,刘文旭,屈振刚,李建成. 温度和光周期对管侧沟茧蜂滞育诱导及滞育茧的低温冷藏. 昆虫学报. 2014.57(10): 1206-1212.
  16. 董伟欣,李社增,鹿秀云,张晓云,王培培,马平,郭庆港. 枯草芽胞杆菌NCD-2中调控因子PhoP对fengycin合成的调控作用. 植物病理学报. 2014.44(2): 180-187.
  17. 毕秋艳,马志强,韩秀英,张小风,王文桥. 葡萄霜霉病菌对甲霜灵抗药性治理及其田间抗药菌株遗传稳定性分析. 植物病理学报. 2014.44(3): 302-308.
  18. 杨菲,邸垫平,苗洪芹,路银贵,张爱红,田兰芝. 玉米抗粗缩病遗传及分子标记研究. 植物病理学报. 2014.44(6): 713-717.
  19. 李耀发,高占林,康云凤,党志红,潘小花,王亚欣,潘文亮. 寄主植物花器挥发性物质分析及其对绿盲蝽成虫的引诱作用. 河北农业大学学报. 2014.37(4): 95-100.
  20. 马龙,王山宁,路子云,刘泽文,张永军,郭予元. 中红侧沟茧蜂嗅觉受体MmedOr2基因的克隆及组织表达谱. 中国生物防治学报. 2014.30(1): 13-19.
  21. 毕秋艳,马志强,韩秀英,张小风,王文桥,赵建江. 离体叶段喷雾法建立小麦白粉病菌对三唑酮的敏感基线及其监测技术. 麦类作物学报. 2014.34(9): 1287-1291.
  22. 李耀发,高占林,党志红,潘小花,潘文亮. 金针虫室内毒力测定方法筛选. 应用昆虫学报. 2014.51(5): 1356-1361.
  23. 韩秀英副主编. 杀菌剂科学使用指南. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2014.5.
  24. 陈书龙副主编. 中国线虫学研究(第五卷). 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2014.11.
  25. 王连生副主编. 玉米简化栽培. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2014.12.
  26. 贾海民参编. 中药材无公害生产技术. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2014.1
  27. 张小风,韩秀英参编. 蔬菜农药高效科学施用技术指导手册. 中国农业科学技术出版社. 2014.5.

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